At Middleton Parish Church School, we believe that every child should have the opportunity to live healthy and active lives. A positive experience of sports and physical activity during school can help to foster a lifetime of keeping fit and looking after our bodies. Taking part in physical activity has a range of benefits for children’s physical health and mental wellbeing.


The ‘PE and Sport Premium’ is used to enrich the quality of physical education (PE) and extracurricular sport being provided by Middleton Parish Church School. The ‘PE and Sport Premium’ has been used in a range of ways to enhance our curriculum, some of these include: being members of ‘Middleton School Games’ and ‘Rochdale School Games’ which provides children with the opportunity to take part in competitive sport; utilising the expertise of external agencies, EdStart and Commando Joe, to support staff development and extend the range of extracurricular opportunities on offer before school, during lunchtime and afterschool; to improve, add to or replace current equipment used for PE lessons and extra-curricular activities; and to hire the local swimming pool (Middleton Arena) so that all children are provided with the opportunity to learn how to swim and perform safe self-rescue. 


Sports Premium

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